Answers about Science Experiments

페이지 정보

작성자 Antje 댓글 0건 조회 6회 작성일 24-05-06 03:45


Does iron nail rust faster insltor fresh water2. materials:two nail,two cup,salt water,fresh water,3. Hypothesis.I think that a nail rust faster in salt water b
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Science Experiments

What is the variable factor in the above experiment?

Asked by Wiki User



Uses of electromagnets in everyday living?

Asked by Wiki User

Electromagnets play vital roles in everyday life. They power electric motors in appliances, produce sound in speakers, and enable magnetic door locks for securi
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Science Experiments


How can you make your project look more attractive?

Asked by Wiki User

You can make your project look more attractive by using a cohesive color scheme, high-quality images and graphics, clean and organized layouts, engaging typogra
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What device transforms from elastic energy to kinetic energy?

Asked by Wiki User

The device that transforms from elastic energy to kinetic energy is a spring-loaded mechanism. When you compress or stretch a spring, it stores potential energy
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Mycology or Fungi


What grows mold faster moist bread or dry bread?

Asked by Wiki User

Mold grows faster on moist bread.Well I also think that it is moist bread. I will post the materials necessary and why later I am just starting this science pro
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What did Anita Roberts do?

Asked by Wiki User

Anita Roberts was a prominent molecular biologist and researcher known for Nemanex Bewertung her groundbreaking work in the field of cell biology and molecular genetics. She focu
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What happens when a glowing splint is added to hydrogen?

Asked by Wiki User


If there is any oxygen near, then the hydrogen will ignite with a 'POP'.


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